This document, reprinted for reference only, appears as originally issued by NASA. The Astronaut Preference Kit policy applied to the Apollo Program, later to be replaced by the Personal Preference Kit policy.
Astronaut Preference Kit Policy
1. Purpose
This establishes policy and procedures and assigns responsibilities governing articles to be included in the Astronaut Preference Kits (APK) flown on board Apollo spacecraft. An "Astronaut Preference Kit" is the container and its contents which each flight crew member personally packs with the items of his choice prior to each Apollo flight. This also establishes general guidelines for prohibited articles and specific weight limitations associated with the Astronaut Preference Kits.
2. Policy
Apollo crew members are permitted to carry certain items of a personal nature on each manned spacecraft flight. Those items must be carried in the approved Astronaut Preference Kit. All other personal items are prohibited. The articles carried in the APK are for the astronauts' personal use, or for use by them as personal gifts. They are not to be used for, or given for any commercial or fund raising purposes. Prohibited items within the APK are those that might create subsequent problems with respect to flight safety, commercialism, personal aggrandizement or gain, derogatory character, and good taste.
2. Responsibilities
a. Apollo Crew Members
- Each crew member is responsible for personally packing his APK with articles of his choice. He will develop a list of items he proposes to include in his APK, including quantities, and submit it to the Director, Flight Crew Operations, MSC.
- Each crew member may divulge the contents of his APK publicly, prior to launch, at his own discretion.
b. Director Flight Crew Operations MSC
- Will review the list of items submitted for inclusion in the APK for conformance with policy and either approve or disapprove specific items.
- Will notify the Director, Apollo Program office, no later than launch minus two days that the contents of the APK's are in accordance with this policy statement.
- Will insure that the weights of the APK's are in accordance with "Weight Limitations," below, and submit weight information to the Director, Apollo Spacecraft Program, MSC.
- Will receive and respond to all post-launch inquiries regarding the contents of the APK's during the course of the mission.
c. The Apollo Program Director will insure that the contents of the APK's are in compliance with the provisions of this policy statement.
4. Weight Limitations
a. Lunar Module
The APK's to be carried on board the Lunar Module will be limited to 0.5 pounds per astronaut or a total weight of 1.5 pounds.
b. Command Service Module
The APK's to be carried on board the Command Service Module will be limited to 5 pounds per astronaut or a total weightof 15 pounds.
c. Exceptions
Overall weight considerations may require reduction of these weight allowances for a particular mission at the discretion of the Manager, Apollo Spacecraft Program Office. If the weight exceeds that allowed for a mission, the Manager, Apollo Spacecraft Program Office, will either grant a waiver or request removal of some item(s) from the APK in order to conform with the weight restrictions. In the event a waiver is granted or the weight allowance is reduced, the Manager, Apollo Spacecraft Program Office, will notify the Apollo Program Director.

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