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Astronautical Books Published in 2006
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This list of more than 50 titles was compiled by the American Astronautical Society History Committee.

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Basalla, George. Civilized Life in the Universe: Scientists on Intelligent Extraterrestrials. New York: Oxford University Press. [order]

Biagioli, Mario. Galileo's Instruments of Credit: Telescopes, Images, Secrecy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [order]

Bizony, Piers. The Man Who Ran the Moon: James E. Webb, NASA, and the Secret History of Project Apollo. New York: Thunder's Mouth Press. [order]

Bizony, Piers. Space 50. New York: Collins. [order]

Bowles, Mark D. Science in Flux: NASA's Nuclear Program at Plum Brook Station, 1955-2005. Washington, DC: NASA SP-2006-4317. [order]

Bond, Peter. Distant Worlds: Milestones in Planetary Exploration. Chicester, UK: Springer-Praxis. [order]

Brodsky, Robert F. On the Cutting Edge: Tales of a Cold War Engineer at the Dawn of the Nuclear, Guided Missile, Computer, and Space Ages. New York: Gordian Knot. [order]

Burrows, William E. The Survival Imperative: Using Space to Protect Earth. Forge Books. [order]

Cadbury, Deborah. Space Race: The Epic Battle between America and the Soviet Union for Dominion of Space. New York: HarperCollins. [order]

Chambers, Mary Jane, and Randall Chambers. Getting Off the Planet: Training Astronauts. Burlington, Ontario: Apogee Books. [order]

Chertok, Boris. Rockets and People: Creating a Rocket Industry, Volume II. Washington, DC: NASA SP-2006-4110.

Chien, Philip. Columbia — Final Voyage: The Last Flight of NASA's First Space Shuttle. Chicester, United Kingdom: Springer-Praxis. [order]

Chun, Clayton K.S. Thunder Over the Horizon: From V-2 Rockets to Ballistic Missiles. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. [order]

Crouch, Tom D. Rocketeers and Gentlemen Engineers: A History of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics... and What Came Before. Reston, VA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. [order]

DeGroot, Gerard J. Dark Side of the Moon: The Magnificent Madness of the American Lunar Quest. New York: New York University Press. [order]

de Monchaux, Nicholas. Space Suit: 21 Essays on Technology, Complexity, and Design. New York: Springer. [order]

Dick, Steven J., and Roger D. Launius, Eds. Critical Issues in the History of Spaceflight. Washington, DC: NASA SP-2006-4702.

Furniss, Tim. A History of Space Exploration. New York: Mercury Books. [order]

Gainor, Chris. Canada In Space: The People & Stories Behind Canada's Role in the Exploration of Space Edmonton: Folklore Publishing.

Glass, Ian. Revolutionaries of the Cosmos: The Astro-Physicists. New York: Oxford University Press. [order]

Goelich, Robert. Spaceships: A Reference Guide to International Reusable Launch Vehicle Concepts from 1944 to Present. Burlington, Ontario: Apogee Books. [order]

Godwin, Robert. Pocket Space Guides. Series of titles including Mars, Project Mercury, Project Gemini, Project Apollo, etc. Burlington, Ontario: Apogee Books. [order]

Grego, Peter. The Universe. New York: Collins/ Smithsonian Books. [order]

Handberg, Roger. International Space Cooperation: Building from Scratch. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

Hetherington, Norriss S. Planetary Motions: A Historical Perspective. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. [order]

Houchin, Roy. U.S. Hypersonic Research and Development: The Rise and Fall of Dyna-Soar, 1944-1963. New York: Routledge. [order]

Jenkins, Dennis R. Return-To-Flight Space Shuttle Discovery. North Branch, MN: Specialty Press. [order]

Jones, Thomas D. Sky Walking: An Astronaut's Memoir. New York: Collins. [order]

Kanipe, Jeff. Chasing Hubble's Shadows: The Search for Galaxies at the Edge of Time. New York: Hill and Wang. [order]

Kitmacher, Gary (Ed). Reference Guide to the International Space Station. Washington, DC: NASA SP-2006-557. [order]

Klein, John J. Space Warfare: Strategy, Principles and Policy. London: UK: Routledge. [order]

Kolker, Robert. Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey: New Essays. New York: Oxford University Press. [order]

Kragh, Helge. Conceptions of Cosmos from Myths to the Accelerating Universe: A History of Cosmology. New York: Oxford University Press. [order]

Krone, Bob. Beyond Earth: The Future of Humans in Space. Burlington, Ontario: Apogee Books. [order]

Lamb, Lawrence E. Inside the Space Race: A Space Surgeon's Diary. Austin, Texas: Synergy Books. [order]

Lauretta, Dante S. and Harry Y. McSween, Jr. (Eds). Meteorites and the Early Solar System II. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. [order]

Lovett, Laura, Joan Horvath, and Jeff Cuzzi. Saturn: A New View. New York: Harry N. Abrams. [order]

Matranga, Gene J.; Ottinger, C. Wayne; Jarvis, Calvin R.; and Gelzer, D. Christian. Unconventional, Contrary, and Ugly: The Lunar Landing Research Vehicle. Washington, DC: NASA SP-2006-4535.

Mackowski, Maura. Testing the Limits — Aviation Medicine and the Origins of Manned Space Flight. College Station, TX: Texas A&M Press. Number Fifteen in the "Centennial of Flight" series. [order]

McLucas, John L. Reflections of a Technocrat: Managing Defense, Air, and Space Programs during the Cold War. Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Air University Press.

Mullane, Mike. Riding Rockets: The Outrageous Tales of a Space Shuttle Astronaut. New York: Scribner's. [order]

Orloff, Richard W. and David Harland. Apollo: The Definitive Sourcebook. Chicester, UK: Springer-Praxis. [order]

Pelt, Michel van. Space Invaders: How Robotic Spacecraft Explore the Solar System. New York: Copernicus Books [order]

Pop, Virgiliu. Unreal Estate — The Men Who Sold the Moon. UK: Diggory Press. [order]

Poppe, Barbara B., with Kristen P. Jorden. Sentinels of the Sun: Forecasting Space Weather. New York: Johnson Books. [order]

Powell, Joel W., and Art LeBrun. Go For Launch! An Illustrated History of Cape Canaveral. Burlington, Ontario: Apogee Books. [order]

Reynolds, David West. Kennedy Space Center: Gateway to Space. Toronto, Ontario: Firefly Books. [order]

Rieke, George H. The Last of the Great Observatories: Spitzer and the Era of Faster, Better, Cheaper at NASA. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. [order]

Sawyer, Kathy. The Rock from Mars: A Detective Story on Two Planets. New York: Random House. [order]

Schorer, Lonnie Jones. Kids to Space: A Space Traveler's Guide. Burlington, Ontario: Apogee Books. [order]

Stuckey, Mary E. Slipping the Surley Bonds: Reagan's Challenger Address. College Station: Texas A&M University Press.

Thimmesh, Catherine. Team Moon: How 400,000 People Landed Apollo 11 on the Moon. New York: Houghton Mifflin. [order]

Thomas, Kenneth S., and Harold J. McMann. U.S. Spacesuits. Chicester, UK: Springer-Praxis. [order]

Tobias, Russell R., and David G. Fisher. USA in Space. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press. [order]

Watkins, Billy. Apollo Moon Missions — The Unsung Heroes. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. [order]

Westwick, Peter J. Into the Black: JPL and the American Space Program, 1976-2004. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. [order]

Williamson, Mark. Spacecraft Technology: The Early Years. London, UK: Institution of Electrical Engineers. [order]

Williamson, Mark. Space: The Fragile Frontier. Reston, VA: American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics. [order]

Woodmansee, Laura. Sex in Space. Burlington, Ontario: Apogee Books. [order]

Young, Anthony. Lunar and Planetary Rovers: The Wheels of Apollo and the Quest for Mars. Springer-Praxis [order]

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